CE395 Special Topics in Machine Learning

Instructor:Assoc.Prof.Dr. Yuriy Mishchenko
Link to the courses's webpage at IEU:CE395 webpage at IEU

Course objectives

The course is the prerequisite for the more advanced courses in ML option at IEU Departments of Computer Engineering and Software Engineering. The course's goal is to build mathematical and conceptual foundation for students advancing further in that option. The course covers key background topics from machine learning including signals and sampling, digital filters and Fourier transform, numerical optimization, and the fundamentals of the theory of statistical learning comprising the theoretical foundation of machine learning methods.

Course program

  1. Digital Signal Processing - Signals
  2. Digital Signal Processing - Digital Filters
  3. Digital Signal Processing - Fourier Transform
  4. Optimization - Matrices and vectors
  5. Optimization - Numerical optimization
  6. Optimization - Numerical optimization at very large scales
  7. Statistical Learning - Probability review
  8. Statistical Learning - General concepts
  9. Statistical Learning - Statistical decision theory and function estimation
  10. Statistical Learning - Model assessment and selection
  11. Statistical Learning - Cross-validation and bootstrapping

Lecture notes

  1. Lecture 1 - Intro and Signals
  2. Lecture 2 - Filters and Filtering
  3. Lecture 3 - Fourier Transform
  4. Lecture 4 - Matrices and Vectors
  5. Lecture 5 - Numerical Optimization I
  6. Lecture 6 - Numerical Optimization II
  7. Lecture 7 - Numerical Optimization III
  8. Lecture 8 - Probability Review
  9. Lecture 9 - Statistical Learning I
  10. Lecture 10 - Statistical Learning II
  11. Lecture 11/12 - Statistical Learning III

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